Home > City > Economic Development Authority (EDA)/ Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA)

Economic Development Authority (EDA)/ Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA)


  The City of Vergas has established an Economic Development Authority (EDA) pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §469.090 to §469.108 on January 12, 2015.  Please let us know if you would like to start a business in Vergas. 

Vergas EDA Community Rehab Grant form  Please return this application to: Julie Lammers at the City Office 131 E Main Street, mail to PO Box 32 Vergas Mn 56587 or email application to jlammers@cityofvergas.com.

The Vergas HRA has 5 lots for sale for $25,000.00. City water and sewer are available.  Questions please call REMax Lakes Region at 218-844-5253.


Need help with a business development; startup, operating and exit planning: 
America's SBDC MN
Ian Carlstrom
 218-299-6606 or 877-450-3322

                                                                                                                           2020  Vergas Housing Study


The purpose of the Vergas EDA/HRA is to retain and promote businesses in our community and to add housing so that we prosper and increase the tax base keeping the City a vital community.

President DuWayne Ditterich
Vice President  Bruce Albright  (Council Liaison) 
Secretary-Treasurer Julie Lammers
Assistant Treasurer Vanessa Perry
Board Member Joy Summers
Board Member Paul Sonnenberg
If you are interested in donating to the Vergas EDA or HRA please call 218-302-5996 Ext. 1 or email jlammers@cityofvergas.com

The EDA/HRA meetings are held the 1st  Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm at the Government Services Center (131 E Main Street Vergas)

Via Zoom: ID 267-094-2170 Pass code:  56587

Please contact the City Office at 218-302-5996 Ext. 1 if you would like more information.