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Construction Permits

The City has 60 days to approve a permit. 

Please fill out your permits early as no work can be done until the permit is approved and you have received the permit. This includes construction permits, grade and fill permits, variances, conditional use permits, etc.

Structure and Shoreland Permit Applications
The boundaries of the Shoreland Management Districts defined in the Shoreland Management Ordinance of Otter Tail County are hereby established at 1,000 feet from the OHWL of a lake, and 300 feet from a river or the landward extent of the flood plain on such river, whichever is greater.

Structure and Shoreland Alteration Permit (Combined)
FOR PROJECTS THAT INCLUDE: Construction or placement of any new structure, relocation of any existing structure or altering any existing structure.

Shoreland Alteration Permit
FOR PROJECTS THAT INCLUDE: Earth moving and/or projects where there is a change in impervious surface.
If your project also includes new or replacement structures, complete the Structure & Shoreland Alteration Permit Application (Combined)

The following link will connect you to OTC: copy & paste

Not sure if you are within 1,000 feet of Lake Shore click here to view the map.


The City of Vergas will continue to offer permits for property over 1,000 feet from lakeshore in our office.  Please click on the link below for projects over 1,000 feet from lakeshore:

To download the construction permit application, click here

To download a zoning map, click here.

Permits can be emailed to jlammers@cityofvergas.com and a check may be mailed to PO Box 32 Vergas Mn 56587-0032.

Construction Permits
Permits get approved the 4th Monday of the month be sure to apply early.
If you are uncertain about needing a construction permit, please call the City Office 218-302-5996, if construction begins before permit is approved the permit fee doubles.
Construction permit fee is $30.00 per $10,000 of value. 

A Construction permit is required for residential property when:
Building or remodeling a house,  re-roofing and/or re-siding.         Building or placing a shed on property.          Installing a fireplace, wood stove, or chimney.
Finishing your basement, adding a garage or any addition.              Replacing windows and doors.                             Construction of a retaining wall over 4 feet in height.
Construction of a swimming pool.                                                                    Building or replacing a deck or porch.             Installing a fence over 30 inches in height.
Soffit, fascia, Gutters and trim (weather protective items.               Rip Rap of Waters Edge or any change in landscaping.
A construction permit is required for all commercial work.                                                 
All signs residential or commercial.
Electrical work MUST have an electrical permit that must be obtained separately from a Minnesota State Contract Electrical Inspector (218)342-3345 or (218)849-6059.
A Construction permit is not required for:
Painting, wallpapering , or paneling.                                  Installing carpeting or other flooring.

To download an application for Variance, click here

Fee for Variance is $400.00
A variance is a modification or variation of the provisions of this zoning code as applied to a specific piece of property. A variance from the literal provisions of this zoning code may be granted by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments only where the strict enforcement of these provisions would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration. A variance may be granted only when it is demonstrated that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this zoning code and the variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. A variance may be granted only in cases when the applicant establishes that there are “practical difficulties” in complying with this zoning ordinance.  “Practical difficulties” as used in connection with the granting of a variance means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality.  Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties.  Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in M.S. § 216C.06, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time, when in harmony with this zoning code. A use that is not permitted under this zoning code for property in the zone where the affected person’s land is located shall not be permitted by the granting of a variance. The temporary use of a one-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling may be permitted by a variance. Conditions may be imposed in the granting of variances to ensure compliance and to protect adjacent properties.  A condition must be directly related to and must bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance. A certified copy of any variance shall be filed by the Clerk or other person appointed by the City Council to administer this chapter with the County Recorder, and shall include the legal description of the property included.
To download an application for Conditional Use Permit, click here
Fee for Conditional Use Permit is $400.00
Pursuant to M.S. § 462.3595, as it may be amended from time to time, conditional uses may be approved by the City Council by a showing by the applicant that the standards and criteria stated in this zoning code, and any conditions imposed by the City Council, will be satisfied. A public hearing on the granting of a conditional use permit shall be held in the manner provided in § 151.51. A conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions agreed upon are observed, but the Council may enact or amend the zoning code to change the status of conditional uses. A certified copy of any conditional use permit shall be filed by the Clerk or other person appointed by the City Council to administer this chapter with the County Recorder, and shall include the legal description of the property included.
To download a Grade and Fill Permit, click here
Fee for grade and fill permit is $75.00.